A lack of a bottle opener can ruin any party. Unless, of course, you know how to wield a lighter in its stead. Opening a beer bottle with a lighter is all about leverage. You simply use one hand to hold the lighter firmly under the cap, and the other to pop off the top.
Zippo, in partnership with Woodchuck USA, and their Buy One. Plant One. program, will plant one tree for every lighter sold. These lighters are created using laser-cut emblem designs, made from 100% real wood, that will help restore and protect the forests of the world. This Street Chrome lighter and bottle opener are laser engraved with a lush tree design, and since each gift set includes not one, but two Zippo x Woodchuck products, this gift set plants two trees as a part of the Buy One. Plant One. program. Consumers can use the special code in each box to learn where their trees are planted. Comes packaged in a gift box. For optimal performance, fill with Zippo lighter fuel.
Opening A Bottle With A Zippo
This is an easy trick, when executed quickly and smoothly it looks really slick and it's actually quite hard to see what's going on...All you do is click your finger near your zippo and it lights... Hmm not the normal way of doing it. The secret to this easy trick is simply putting your clicking finger against the flint wheel, usually your middle finger, as your finger snaps down against your hand it spins the flintwheel, it looks pretty slick if you flip open your zippo and pass your hand right by it clicking, it lights...The whole point here is just to have a normal scenario, not a big trick, people aren't looking for the method they just notice someone light their zippo with the click of a finger...So again: - Middle finger against flintwheel - Click down hard while moving hand away - Get admiration and free drinksDoing it while moving is basically the same except you need to be able to click just as your hand passes the flintwheel...
This is possibly the most well known and basic zippo trick, it's not complicated but it's pretty slick and attention grabbing, it makes a really nice snap sound. Basically instead of closing the case with your other hand you snap it shut by flicking your wrist towards the other side of your body. The case will naturally snap shut. However this isn't as good a snap, it's a much better sounds and looks cooler if you flick your wrist outwards then stop or back in a bit quite hard, the lighter snaps shut loudly and for some inexplicable reason mine sparks just as it closes... Another variation on this one is to simply snap the side opposite the hinge against the palm of your hand, it'll snap shut that way and the motion looks nice when you hear the proper snap...
Well when you're sitting bored...Flipping your zippo like a coin is always amusing, if you catch it just right you can flip it open and light it just after catching it... Or catch it and do a thumb or palm squeeze...Another good trick and bar bet is to set a bottle (empty) on top of the zippo lying flat on the table, bet you can't get the lighter out without touching or knocking the bottle over. Now this one is usually done by sliding your index fingers across the table towards the table, however that's just not cool enough for us... Instead take your hands and get ready to click your fingers, put the middle ones against the lighter, Build up lots of tension in your hands and snap hard, the lighter will shoot out from under the bottle, the bottle will pop on to the table, wobble precariously and stand up. Once you get really good you can use on hand to click, spinning the lighter out and into your other hand, this looks best if it's all just sitting set up and you simply bring your hand out click and catch the lighter, people are usually pretty impressed by this really easy trick.It works much better with the likes of a plain brushed steel or polished one, designs tend to slow it down a bit...Want to learn more tricks, the next instructable is already up, Right here! 2ff7e9595c